Baldness is losing hair or lacking hair on the scalp; it can be partial or complete. Since a long time, baldness is a term associated with men as it affects them more in comparison to women. Previously, this phenomenon occurred in men post 40-45 years but in recent times men of 20-30 years are facing this trauma.
There is no physical discomfort caused by baldness but the dent it causes on one’s appearance, it torments & causes great anguish to them. Balding has been synonymous to old age; thus, making it difficult to be acceptable among young people. This psychological impact leaves a grim sense of distress, demoralization & low self-esteem which overpowers the people facing baldness.
CAUSE #1: MALE PATTERN BALDNESS: Also known as Androgenic Alopecia is a genetic disposition. If you have baldness running in your family don’t be surprised if it hits you.
CAUSE #2: DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE (DHT): DHT is a male hormone formed when the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (5-AR) converts testosterone into DHT. Increased DHT level is considered to be one of the main culprits in male baldness as it miniaturized the follicles.
CAUSE #3: DISEASES/ILLNESSES & MEDICATIONS: Some diseases create havoc in our system & adversely impact the follicles. Some of them are-
- THYROID: Thyroid gland produces hormones & increases the metabolism. Hyperthyroidism- excess of hormones & Hypothyroidism- producing less hormones, both of these leads to hair loss & balding.
- DIABETES: In this condition the insulin production or proper use of it is disturbed. The main function of Insulin is to regulate the sugar levels but in Diabetic patients the imbalance occurs leading to excessive hair loss.
- CHEMOTHERAPY: Cancer patients generally undergo chemotherapy and as a side-effect it sheds hair. Spot balding or complete balding is quite common in cancer patients.
- STRONG MEDICINES: Many serious illnesses are treated by strong medicines; the side effect damages the hair follicles.
CAUSE #4: CHEMICALS IN HAIR PRODUCTS: The modern consumer is spoilt for choice when he goes to buy hair care products but lack of awareness makes him select the wrong products. Chemicals in them make the hair dry, frizzy eventually leading to hair loss.
CAUSE #5: MODERN LIFESTYLE: The young getting distressed over hair loss & balding but new researches & studies have put the blame on our lifestyle. Some of the major factors are-
- IMBALANCED DIET: This leads to nutritional deficiencies which in turn will stunt the growth of hair. Follicles need vitamins, proteins, iron, zinc, etc. to flourish & lack of it leads to hair loss & balding.
- STRESS: It has been termed as a silent killer, if not kept under control it can ruin almost all functions of the body. The reasons are numerous- from professional to personal to emotional- leading to hormonal imbalance of great proportions. Sleep deprivation aggravates this situation.
- ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: High levels of pollution in the environment harm the scalp & hair.
#1: BALANCED DIET: A nutritional diet will ensure hair regrowth for men suffering from hair loss.
#2: CONTROL DHT LEVELS: For hair restoration it’s imperative to take care of DHT balance.
#3: USE GENTLE HAIR PRODUCTS: Be aware of harmful ingredients in your shampoo, conditioner, serum, etc. Go for herbal & mild products. These will help hair regrowth for men looking for solutions.
#4: KEEP CHECK ON YOUR MEDICAL CONDITIONS: The chronic diseases should be taken care of so that hair restoration can start.
At Advanced Hair Studio we have many options of hair regrowth for men looking to overcome their baldness!
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