UNDERSTANDING BALDNESS: Baldness is losing hair or lacking hair on the scalp; it can be partial or complete. Since a long time, baldness is a term associated with men as it affects them more in comparison to women. Previously, this phenomenon occurred in men post 40-45 years but in recent times men of 20-30 years are facing this trauma. There is no physical discomfort caused by baldness but the dent it causes on one’s appearance, it torments & causes great anguish to them. Balding has been synonymous to old age; thus, making it difficult to be acceptable among young people. This psychological impact leaves a grim sense of distress, demoralization & low self-esteem which overpowers the people facing baldness. 5 MAJOR CAUSES OF BALDNESS: CAUSE #1: MALE PATTERN BALDNESS: Also known as Androgenic Alopecia is a genetic disposition. If you have baldness running in your family don’t be surprised if it hits you. CAUSE #2: DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE (DHT): D...